Pest Control
When you come across the word pest control, what strikes to your mind is generally the problem with ants, cockroaches, bedbugs or the fleas. In addition to the common pest problems as above, the term also includes the problems arising out of spiders, beetles, termites and other birds besides rats or mice.
It is a general misconception that pest control can be done by you with off-the-shelf items from the supermarket. However, in reality, you will realize that whether it is cockroach control or rat control besides the termite control, it is a professional job requiring specialization. A person trained in the relevant field is aware of the type of pesticide, quantity, how to use the same and store it. As per the local municipality regulations, the necessary license is required to handle the pesticides. At times, certain poisonous ingredients of the pesticides may cause unavoidable problems. It is, therefore, prudent to allow the service providers from Service Plix to handle the pest control.
Process of Pest Control
On receiving a request from you, a representative from our service provider schedules a visit at your convenient time. The process of pest control services commences with the inspection of the area and identification of the type required in containing the pest nuisance. The survey also includes finding out sneaky boroughs or the hiding places. The experienced persons of the pest control companies would be able to identify such hangout or the breeding places of the pest. The telltale signs of infestation are an important step in combating the menace, which a professional can perform with ease.
The survey includes indoors and the precincts of premises for effective control. Consequent upon completing the inspection of entire property or premises, the recommended procedures would be spelled out along with a budgetary quote for your approval.
Many people get confused with pest control and extermination and might use the words interchangeably. However, a professional knows the difference between the two. The pest control as a word suggests is only controlling the pest problem largely. However, when you “exterminate,” the process includes destroying the pest completely by killing. An expert in the field alone is aware of the gamut of pesticides to erase the pest from existence. You should know that even the pests play “trick” to come back at the first available opportunity. Therefore, the right methodology and appropriate pesticide and the places where the baits to be placed are important for a person engaged in the job of pest control in Dubai.
Moreover, exterminator uses toxic chemicals of high level than required. The pest controller, on the other hand, finds a professional way focusing on the hideouts and suggests altering the conditions to restrict the entry of pests. If necessary, the team uses eco-friendly chemicals unlike other pest control companies in Dubai.
As a precautionary measure, it is advisable that the area is not accessible to kids or pets while the pest control process is in progress. This ensures that children are not exposed to the chemicals or other toxins harmful to them as well as pets in the house.
The unique characteristics and higher adaptability of fumigation techniques make the process more popular than other types of pest control, especially in controlling the insects and pest organisms above the ground. It is one of the methods adopted by the operators in controlling commodity pests besides the export material. In the “gassing” process, volatile gases or other chemicals, releasing the gases are present.
Our specialized companies of pest control Dubai at Service Plix adopt many modern techniques of fumigation without disturbing the infested material. The improved formulations and other instrumentation for gas analysis and detection have diversified the usage of versatile fumigation methods.
An unprofessional use of the inappropriate ingredient in fumigation might spoil the structures and fittings or the materials besides destroying the growing plants and vegetation after germination.
USPs of our Provider Companies
The experts engaged in the job are professional in the entire pest control management regardless of the type of pest infested at your place. They undertake the pest control indoor, outdoor or even both in case you desire. They are flexible in undertaking either one-time service or enter an annual contract for effective control to protect you from the irritating pests like cockroaches, rats or bedbugs, etc.
We suggest that periodical preventive maintenance would go a long way in controlling the pest menace regardless of the place, whether it is a home or an office.
You can feel free to contact us on phone or mail us the details to schedule an inspection for suggesting the further process.